News of the ILA

Longevity month – October 2021


The United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 1st as the “International Day of Older Persons” as…

Register to the ILA website!


Dear All, Please register to the new ILA website, to the Worldwide map of life extensionists and to…

ILA general assembly – 6 March 2021


On March 6, 2021, the regular annual general assembly of the International Longevity Alliance took place. The assembly…

ILA yearly report 2021


The International Longevity Alliance (ILA) presents its yearly report for 2021. In 2021, ILA continued to advance its…

ILA yearly report 2020


The 2020 was a difficult year for many people and in many regards. Yet, if there is one…

Call and prize for longevity activism and raising public awareness about longevity research


The ILA presents: The Longevity Activism Prize. Participate by submitting your most creative ideas to help raise public awareness…

Longevity Month – October 2020


Following the tradition since 2013, we organize the International Longevity Month campaign that will start on October 1 and…

An ILA federated member – Slovenian Society for Vital Life Extension – organizes an online conference on Ageism and Vital Life Extension


An ILA federated member – Slovenian Society for Vital Life Extension – organizes the online conference: BEING 100 YEARS…

ILA annual report 2019


2019 has been an active year for the International Longevity Alliance. This year the ILA celebrated 5 years…

ILA general assembly and election 2020


On January 25, 2020, the General ILA assembly and election were held. The following candidates were voted for unanimously to…

ILA grows to 20 federated members from 17 countries


With the recent joining of 5 more NGOs, presently, the International Longevity Alliance (ILA) includes 20 registered pro-longevity…

Proposal of the International Longevity Alliance for the WHO’s Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030)


The International Longevity Alliance (ILA) welcomes the WHO’s commitment to the concerted action on the Decade of Healthy…

Organizing the Longevity Month Campaign for October 2019


We welcome you on the site of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA). Our goal is to create the…

International Longevity Alliance – Annual Report for 2018


Much has happened in 2018 but the main elements are the following: WHO’s Health strategy re-orientation towards aging:…



International Longevity Alliance had its annual General Assembly meeting on MArch 16, 2019. The major news was the…

The proposal of the International Longevity Alliance to classify aging as a disease in ICD-11 has been partially implemented by the World Health Organisation


The International Longevity Alliance welcomes the World Health Organization inclusion of aging-related conditions in the 11th version of the International…

General ILA meeting and General Assembly


ILA board meeting – Saturday 6 PM CEST 2018 01 06 Here to view the discussion: youtube link  (1h30…

ILA annual report 2017


Most seen events – Longevity day and Longevity month in October about the activities organized in 2017 -…

Autum 2017: WHO Survey & Longevity Month preparation


The reference Facebook post is here: WHO Survey to be mass-answered!  Deadline: September 30th. Instructions coming very soon.…

Welcome to Oliver Rowland, editor of the ILA!


Oliver Rowland works as a writer and sub-editor for The Connexion, a national newspaper for the English-speaking community…

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