The conference: Longevity Nation –
Enhancing research development and education for healthy longevity
March 26-27, 2023
Bar Ilan University, Nanotechnology Bldg 206, Ramat Gan, Israel
This conference will explore the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading voices in the longevity space and public figures, the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology and aging society, and help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on national and international strengths in this area, this conference will help build the supportive national longevity ecosystems and enhance international cooperation in the Longevity Field.
The registration is at the link below (the attendance is free, but registration is required). The page also includes information for possible support for Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, the chief organizer of this conference. The Vetek Association is an ILA federated member, and the entire conference is done in cooperation with ILA.
Looking forward to seeing you and jointly promoting research, development and education for healthy longevity!
Ilia Stambler, PhD
Chairman of the organizing committee