On Saturday, October 1, 20.00 CET / 18.00 UTC, the International Longevity Alliance (ILA) conducts an open ILA meeting in honor of the International Longevity Day – October 1, the beginning of the International Longevity Month!
This year it will be the 10th year since ILA initiated the Longevity Day/Month campaign in 2013. So, on Saturday, October 1, the ILA marks this anniversary in an open meeting – for ILA members and others interested in longevity activism, including presentations on Longevity Activism (experience, actions, plans).
Several presentations by ILA core activists are in the program: by Daria Khaltourina, Edouard Debonneuil, Didier Coeurnelle, Angel Marchev Sr., Osinakachi Akuma Kalu and Brenda Ramokopelwa, Ilia Stambler. Also, longevity activists briefly tell some of their activism experiences, news and plans, and present themselves during the meeting.
Complete program of the
International Longevity Day 2022,
ILA-conference, October 1, 2022
Part 1 – Ilia Stambler
Longevity Day: Boosting Longevity Awareness and Activism
Part 2 – Daria Khaltourina
New codes for aging and aging-related diseases in ICD 11: new opportunities and perspectives.
Part 3 – Brenda Ramokopelwa
Afrolongevity goals
Part 4 – Michael Rae
Report of the scientific activities of SENS Research Foundation
Part 5 – Osinakachi Akuma Kalu
The launch of Afrolongevity
Part 6 – Didier Coeurnelle
Big data, clinical trials, and open results for longevity research
Part 7 – Edouard Debonneuil
Application of Viagra against Alzheimer’s disease
An hour earlier, at 19 pm CET ( 17.00 UTC), an informal gathering is conducted at the ExVo platform.
Recordings from the conference can be found at the ILA youtube channel:
In addition, a series of Longevity Days events during the Longevity Month of October in Italy has been organized by the Italian Longevity League (ILL), an ILA federated member.
As well as in Pakistan by the National Academy of Young Scientists, at the National University of Science and Technology in Islamabad.
More longevity conferences were organized in October, such as:
The RAAD fest, in San Diego, California, USA, on October 6-9. https://raadfest.com/
The 2nd Mediterranean congress of anti-aging medicine 2022, on October 14-16, at Larnaca, Cyprus. https://mcamcyprus.org/
The Rejuvenation Startup Summit, on October 14-15, in Berlin. https://forever-healthy.org/summit/
JAIN China & ISOAD Summit 2022: AI & Cognitive Science – Aging and Disease.
A hybrid conference, Shanghai and online – October 27-30, 2022
Live stream (and recording of the entire conference) are available here (see especially Oct 29 presentations dedicated to Aging and Disease) https://lm.enewie.com/live/YCYYKJ
Confererence program http://www.longevityforall.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/JAIN-ISOAD-Conference-Program-27-30-October-2022-Final.pdf
Additional information about the JAIN-ISOAD summit
http://www.jainchina.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgNRCH86XAlFzv9kYEzWBg
If you organize or participate in additional events for Longevity Day/Month, please let know, and we will add those events to the general reports about the global Longevity Day / Month actions that we keep since 2013 (so far there were hundreds of events in dozens of countries).
Happy Longevity Day and Longevity Month!
Healthy Longevity for All through Scientific Research!
ILA board
#longevityday #longevitymonth #longevity #research #advocacy #education #activism