Congratulations on the official registration of International Longevity Alliance UK (ILA UK) as a charity in the UK!
Thank you very much to all the members who joined this effort!
Our perseverance succeeded! Now, hopefully, a new chapter will start for the international longevity movement, as improvements can be expected in the coordination, presentation, fund-raising and project management by and for the longevity community.
International Longevity Alliance UK (ILA UK, incorporated in the UK) is a separate legal entity, and is a federated member of International Longevity Alliance (ILA, incorporated in France). Currently, there are over 55 ILA federated members operating in over 45 countries ( And so decisions for particular longevity-promoting actions and representations will be made, on a case by case basis, as pertains each legal entity, and collegially for collaborative actions and representations.
For now the website associated with ILA UK is
The first Federated members of ILA UK (22 member organizations) are the following (a process to include more federated members will be put in practice later on):
Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel. Representative: Ilia Stambler
Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), Belgium. Representative: Didier Coeurnelle
Association Française Transhumaniste. AFT-Technoprog, France. Representative: Didier Coeurnelle
Humanity Plus, Inc. United States. Representative: Natasha Vita-More
Društvo za vitalno podaljševanje življenja Slovenije (in English: Society for vital life extension of Slovenia), Slovenia. Representative: Martin Lipovšek
Healthspan Action Coalition, United States. Representative: Melissa King
Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation, United States. Representative: David Wood
Longévité & Santé, France. Representative: Edouard Debonneuil
Biogerontology Research Foundation, United Kingdom. Representative: Dmitry Kaminsky
Atlas Initiative CIC, United Kingdom. Representative: Ian Inkster
Canadian Longevity Association, Canada. Representative: Chris Linnell
Live Forever Club CIC, United Kingdom. Representative: Adrian Cull
Longevity Alliance Baltic, Latvia. Representative: Ugis Kletnieks
Longevity Alliance Denmark, Denmark. Representative: Poul Martin Jensen
Life Extension Beyond Borders / Prolongation De La Vie Au-Dela Des Frontier, France. Representative: Lilia S. Pechakova
Italian Longevity League APS, Italy. Representative: Gianfranco Vettorello
European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM), Switzerland. Representative: Georgios Mitrou
American Longevity Alliance, United States. Representative: Walter H. Crompton
Gesellschaft für Gesundes Altern und Prävention e. V., Germany. Representative: Alexander Tietz-Latza
SENS Research Foundation, United States Representative: Maria Entraigues Abramson
Public Health Informatics Foundation (PHIF), Bangladesh. Representative: Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud
Fundación Canaria ALCASIV (Fundación Longenia para la Extensión de la Vida (R)), Spain. Representative: Cayetano Santana Gil
And the first charity trustees are the following. As per the ILA UK constitution “At each annual general members meeting, all trustees shall stand for evaluation and election by the CIO [Charitable Incorporated Organization – ILA UK] members”
The first charity trustees of ILA UK (17):
Ilia Stambler, Dmitry Kaminsky, Martin Lipovšek, Edouard Debonneuil, Natasha Vita-More, Franco Cortese, Ian Inkster, Melissa King, Walter H. Crompton, Lilia S. Pechakova, David Wood, Didier Coeurnelle, Gianfranco Vettorello, Georgios Mitrou, Maria Entraigues Abramson, Adrian Cull, Ugis Kletnieks
And here is the official registration statement from the UK charity commission
“We are satisfied that INTERNATIONAL LONGEVITY ALLIANCE UK is a charity and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1209533.
Our decision
The decision to register was based on our assessment of the information supplied during the application process and the declarations given in the trustee declaration form and we are satisfied that INTERNATIONAL LONGEVITY ALLIANCE UK is established for charitable purposes only for the public benefit.”
We will work for the accomplishment of the charitable purposes:
“To advance the preservation and protection of health of the entire population for the public benefit, in particular but not exclusively by:
- Conducting research on the ageing process, age-related diseases, and prolonging healthy longevity and to publish the useful results;
- Educating the general public, researchers, medical professionals, journalists and policy makers about the biology of ageing and prolonging healthy longevity;
- Contributing to and commenting on policy recommendations to the general public and to policy makers, in accordance with applicable legislation, at national and international levels.”