It was an inspiring and encouraging yearly ILA general assembly that took place on January 6! It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of this amazing group of global leaders of longevity research and advocacy! The participants shared their achievements and their visions for our joint work for global healthy longevity and for ILA development this year. Eagerly and enthusiastically looking forward to this year!
The following agenda items were accomplished in the meeting:
1) Reports about ILA activities were presented. A general ILA report, including reports from ILA federated members will be published soon.
2) The participants shared their visions for possible ILA projects and actions this year, including conferences (live and online), the longevity month campaign, building up the ILA web-presence and IT infrastructure, developing longevity policy recommendations, lobbying at the grassroots, national and international level, scientific projects (computational and experimental), growing the ILA federated membership (from 52 federated members in 36 countries now to perhaps over a hundred) by proactively joining forces with like-minded organizations, as well as proactively helping to establish new longevity non-profit organizations, especially in the developing countries, where no such organizations exist, including administrative and website support for these emerging organizations.
3) The ILA board was voted for, according to the ILA rotation rules. 5 board members were re-elected for the next 2 years (2024-2025): Maria Entraigues – SENS Research Foundation (US), Walter Crompton – American Longevity Alliance (US), Didier Coeurnelle – Healthy Life Extension Society – HEALES (Belgium, EU), Alexander Tietz – The Society for Healthy Aging and Prevention (Germany), Martin Lipovšek – Society for vital life extension (Slovenia).
For the remainder of this year 2024 there remain in their posts and will stand for election in early 2025: Daria Khaltourina – Council for Public Health and Problems of Demography (Russia), Edouard Debonneuil – Longevite & Sante (France), Ilia Stambler – Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel).
4) In order to facilitate fund-raising and administration to advance global longevity research and advocacy, ILA unanimously voted to establish its headquarters in the UK. For that purpose, a new charity will be registered in the UK – ILA UK, based on the existing ILA federated members.
Looking forward to an active and productive year for healthy longevity!
On behalf of the ILA board.