2019 has been an active year for the International Longevity Alliance.
This year the ILA celebrated 5 years since its official registration, 5 years of actions for the advancement of healthy longevity for all through scientific research.
This year too, the ILA created and advanced several international longevity advocacy initiatives:
A Longevity contact map was created, available in the top post of the International Longevity Alliance facebook group, that gives access to 12000 life extensionists around the world, via facebook. Please use this information to enlarge local ILA groups!
The ILA led the organization of the “Longevity Month” campaign in October, with about 35 events supporting biomedical research of aging organized in 24 countries. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=organizing-longevity-month-campaign-october
2020 is the beginning of the “WHO Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030”, which was advocated by ILA and its allies from the longevity community earlier. The ILA works to make the best of it! Thus, the ILA suggested and campaigned for introducing the advancement of biomedical research of aging as a topic for the WHO Decade of Healthy Aging. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=decade
The WHO has added new codes for ageing-related conditions with the inclusion of the XT9T code for “Ageing-related” diseases into the ICD11, as suggested and promoted by the ILA and BGRF, which is expected to strongly facilitate longevity R&D and application. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=agingicd11
ILA members have cooperated with the newly established UNESCO Executive Committee on Anti-aging and Disease Prevention, and will further participate in its consultation in Beijing in October 2020. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=unesco-executive-committee-anti-aging-and-disease-prevention-established
The ILA participated in several other high level consultations for the advancement of longevity R&D, such as the UK Parliamentary Group on Longevity. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=ila-joins-uk-parliament-consultation-gaining-extra-years-healthy-longevity
At the national level, the ILA members established the reference site in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging (EIP-AHA) under the European Commission, entitled “Paris-Lille Healthy Life Extension Testing” (PLIHLET) https://ec.europa.eu/eip/ageing/reference-sites_en
ILA members were instrumental for introducing the subject of “enhancing research, development and education for the promotion of healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases” into the report of the Israel National Masterplan on Aging, published by Knesset. http://www.longevityalliance.org/?q=enhancing-research-development-and-education-healthy-longevity-included-israel-national-masterplan
Members of ILA organized and participated in various international conferences related to aging (Undoing Aging in Berlin, conferences in Brussels, Ravda (Bulgaria), Ljubljana (Slovenia), London, etc…)
The ILA, in cooperation with Heales, publishes each month the scientific news concerning longevity: http://longevityalliance.org/?q=heales-scientific-news. Also, Heales publishes the monthly newsletter “The death of death” in English and in French.
By January 2020, the ILA grew to include 20 federated members (registered pro-longevity non-profit organizations) from 17 countries. http://longevityalliance.org/?q=ila-grows-20-federated-members-17-countries
The ILA board activity intensified toward the end of 2019. On January 25, 2020, the ILA conducted its annual general assembly and executive board election. The following ILA board members will serve in 2020: Maria Entraigues – SENS Research Foundation (US), Walter Crompton – American Longevity Alliance (US), Didier Coeurnelle – AFT Technoprog (France), Alexander Tietz – HEALES (EU), Daria Khaltourina – Council for Public Health and Problems of Demography (Russia), Edouard Debonneuil – Longevite & Sante (France), Ilia Stambler – Israeli Longevity Alliance (Israel) http://longevityalliance.org/?q=ila-general-assembly-and-election-2020
A new ILA website has been created and is being fine-tuned before its use. It should allow local communities to have a local website maintained, with a common part and a personalized part, a longevity newsletter (continuation of the Longevity Reporter) and the longevity contact map maintained.
The priorities for ILA activities for 2020 will be selected soon. Looking forward to another active year 2020 for the promotion of healthy longevity!
On behalf of the ILA board